The Glengarrian, 11 August 1893

Dressing-room “Don’t’s”

Don’t – unless your arms are white and rounded – wear only a little puff on the shoulders in your party dresses. Have your sleeves made in one or two big drooping puffs, to reach almost to the elbow, where they will meet the long gloves of the same shade. You will look quite as stylish and dressy.

Don’t – if you have a pale complexion – wear a light gray or tan hat, because it will give you the effect of being sallow. If you must have it a light shade to match your dress, line the inside with dark velvet, which will make your skin look fair. Apropos hats, the rule holds [illegible] that an untrimmed brim is trying to all save the most youthful faces, whereas a pleating or ever a fold of velvet, imparts a look of fitness.

Don’t – if you are very thin or very stout, or if you even suspect yourself of a tendency either way – be beguiled by your dressmaker into having an Empire gown. It is a style which suits one woman out of ten, and the other nine are simply foils to set off her charms.

Don’t – if your feet are short and broad – squeeze them with agony into the shortest shoes you can put on. If you wear a 3B, get a 3 ½ A and see how much slenderer and better shape your feet will look.

Don’t – if you are blonde, brunette or medium – be afraid of wearing yellow. There is surely one shade of that colour which will suit you and bring out all the pink in your skin; if you are sallow, it would make you look white.

Don’t – cover your face with one of the purple veils. Very few colored veils are to be trusted as being becoming, while black and white are always in good style.

Don’t – copy everything that you see is the fashion. Suit your own figure and face, and among all the varied designs you will find something that will give you an individuality of your own. Remember that the lovely ladies in fashion plates are all Venuses which few of us are.