
This is a transcription of the Diary of Frederick Arthur Paulin(e) (1861-1955) who was a merchant and politician in Victoria, BC.  He was best known for having served as Speaker of the Legislature between 1922-1924.  The original belongs to the Cormack Family, and they have consented to having this posted.



Frederick Paulin

March 1883



Total Amount                                                    F Pauline

Paid Out

Janry 7th               120.00                                   60.25

Sinda Sougo       1.25

Food                                      3.60                                        1.20

Baggage                               5.00                                        3.00

10th Food                             1.00                                        .33

15th bbge + Ctqe               1.20                                        .40

16th Oc Hotel                      3.00                                        1.00

20 stamps

“ mustard

16 1 mo rent of room     12.00                                     4.00

12 Oc Hotel 15.00 1 wk                                                  5.00

25 Leul Blanckera             10.00

Feb 1 16 1 mo rent          10.00                                     5.00

20 leul Braun                      1.00


March 14

Left home in the morning and started for Liverpool with Charley Braund reached there at 2.0 pm had driver secured a bedroom and then started down to the Alexandra Docks to look over our vessel the Brooklyn Steamship of the Dominion Line, after the inspection we took a bus back to the city had tea and then saw “Iolanthe” at the Prince of Wales.

March 15 =

7 o’clock in the morning saw us making our way to the docks, sitting in state perched on our worldly belongings in one


Of the city freight wagons.  The morning was a cold + wintry one and we were very glad to reach the docks where the good ship which was to be our home for a fortnight or so was still busily engulphing tons of cargo every description it was not until 11 o’clock that the passenger luggage was got on board, and then we had our first meal on board, dinner at 12 o’clock and as we had eaten nothing since early breakfast we made a capital repast, an hour after dinner we left the dock and gradually dropped down the river, until


Brought up at Rockferry to have our compasses checked and the latest instructions received by 7 pm we were well out at sea and making 12 knots and hour for Belfast.  Stopped on deck until past midnight the moon shone brilliantly casting a dazzling light on the calm sea beneath.  Slept soundly and on rising found we were snugly anchored in Belfast Bay.

March 16

At 10 o’clock the packet boat came off to the ship with mails and about a dozen passengers, and at 11 we were again under


Weigh and stood round the north of Ireland, went down to dinner, strange to say my appetite had almost deserted me and I quickly regained the deck where an extraordinary inclination to generously part with my dinner for the benefit of starving fish done, slowly by surely overcame me.

I was some time industriously employed in this manner, in one of my short intervals of leisure, a ghastly object with a faint resemblance to CB made its way with uncertain staggering steps towards the cabin.  I was unable to reason at the time or I might have


Known the vision was my friend, and that his occupation was just then identical with my own, how things went on after this I really unable to relate, I have a dazed recollection of clinging helplessly to the rigging for many hours, and of the ships pitching rolling in a most distressing manner, many a time that night I wished myself safe on terra firma once more.

March 17


Very bad all day could only just crawl about a bit felt very weak and could not take any thing to eat at all.


March 18

Weather moderated andsm shore, and the temperature had risen, nifaes quite summer, felt much better in consequence, CB is as right as a trivet.  I managed to crawl into church in the cabin, the decks crowded with convalescents all enjoying the welcome change – eat an apple.

March 19

Wind changed in the night, very rough choppy sea again, completely upset me and I am as bad as at first.

March 20

Weather still rough managed to eat a ships biscuits and an apple, the steward got me a cup of tea.


March 21

Weather fine, sea much calmer, I am well enough to attend the messroom concert and to contribute my quota to the evenings amusements, I take my first meal at tea tonight since last Friday dinner time.

I am last but one of our mess to recover from the mal de mer

March 22-3

Weather charming quoits and shovel board on the top deck, writing letters home ready to post at Portland.

March 24

Weather not so fine, much colder, and sea rougher looking forward now to the end of the voyage, water on the ship becomes bad.


March 25

Easter Sunday.  Sea very rough and snowing very cold, waves dashing right over the top deck, not church today weather too bad, dinner very poor, but excusable considering the rolling of the vessel.

March 26

Hurrah, sight land on the starboard bow at 2 o’clock, pilot came on board at six and by 7:30 we were anchored outside Portland Harbour waiting for the tide which did not serve till midnight.  We had a glorious farewell night in our messroom such an one as I shall not easily forget


Our last merry meeting was ended by our going on deck between twelve and one to see the ship worked into harbor.  Then went to roost and when we hurried out in the morning found the luggage being hauled out onto the wharf.

March 27

Went up town to post our letters, a quaint dirty old town, all the houses nearly built of wood left at 11.0 am for Chicago after been thoroughly immanaged by the US Customs by 11.0 pm we were across the border in Canada passed through Montreal in the night and


Toronto as well.  Brilliant moonlight nights, ground still winter bound and covered with snow.

March 28 – 29

Still going, south now to Point Arrow left the snow behind now and reach Chicago at 11 am on the 29th and get our first regular meal and wash for three days – call on Ino Gilchrist of Gossage Co and spend the evening with him, there are some very fine buildings here, but the social and political condition of the place is as bad as it well can be –

March 31

Leave at 11 am for the north going through


Some very pretty country, passing along and crossing the noble Mississippi reach Minneapolis.

April 1st

At 9:30 am Sunday morning where we are obliged to remain until evening when we again resume our journey passing

April 2nd

Through a very flat country all covered with snow, had a blizzard to day, a blizzard is a snow storm accompanied by wind and they are very dangerous sometimes in the winter, as you cannot see a yard in front of you and often lose your way.


April 2nd

Reach Winnipeg at 7:30 pm very thankful to get a good nights rest and a square meal.

April 3rd

Go through the ½ dozen introductions we have with us and call at Richardson’s Store in Main St have very nice reception, but he seemed to doubt whether he would be able to find positions for both of us, and asked us to call again on Friday.

April 4th

Secured a nice quiet room with Breakfast attacked and removed our quarters from the hotel, taking our dinner supper in the city


April 5th

Called on Richardson as per appointment but again received a put off for tomorrow and began to feel some doubt that anything would come of it, so determined at last to commence a store to store canvas for employment rather than waste any more time.  Kept at this delightful occupation all that April 5 day and until 4 pm the next toiling + trampling through the slush + mud without the slightest avail disheartened + tired out sick at heart we tried our last cash for that day and with forlorn hope we called again on our


First spec, and key presto – change, were raised from the lowest of spirits, and the dismallest of prospects to the accustomed + requisite serenity of mind

April 7

A days holiday prior to resuming an active life

April 8

Sunday morning and a day of rest, thank God for that, go to Holy Trinity Church in the evening, and hear a very beautiful anthem and a sermon [illegible] men

April 9

In harness once more and glad to have a settled task to perform, the inaction of the past month had become positively wearisome – it is


Rather curious and worth noting that it is exactly a month to day that we resigned our positions in the old country.

April 10

The frost gradually going and the streets of Wg in a terrible state of wind, the wind here is noted for its tenacious and gluey nature –

April 15

Went to Wesley Hall in the evening heard a capital sermon, slight blizzard in the morning so did not go out.

April 21 join the St George’s Society some fine weather much drying up rapidly.

April 22

Attend church parade of the above society


At Christ Church Service commenced with “Onward Christian Soldiers” they had Dykes Te Deum and “What are these” for the anthem and concluded with the “National Anthem” went to dinner at Henry Fry’s and spent the remainder of the day in a very enjoyable manner

April 23

The ice on the Red River breaks up also the Assiniboine son quite hot midday

April 29

Went to a confirmation at Christchurch by the Bishop of Ruperts Land there were only 7 candidates, all of them I believe from St John’s Ladies College, all of them dressed in the customary


White dresses with white veils heard a beautiful sermon at Holy Trinity in the evening on the poetry of the psalms by the Reverend Mr Hicks

April 30

I get the first letter from England since leaving with enclosures for Charles from my late Junior Clerk also one from Lizzie B

We had been anxiously waiting for news and with schoolboy eagerness we ran to our coffee house to digest their contents.

May 1st

The weather has again become cold and there is not the slightest signs of life in regelation as yet.


May 3

Letters from home at last, one each from my father and mother, things do not seem to have improved much since I left, my father still very worried with business matters, I hear that they have been getting very dry weather there and that some rain would be “acceptable.”

May 4

Sunday weather still very cold church twice walk over to St Boniface The Red + Assiniboine Rivers very full with rapid current.  I write to Blandtern


Kellet _ my Mother

May 7

Weather keeps cold low temperatures with occasional snow.

May 11

Letters from my father + mother – go to Winnipeg Oratorio Societys third concert – very good – go home to Imp become acquainted with Eustace Baden, draw $1 from RDR making $20 in a $30 more due to this date May

May 20

Went to church in evening stopped Sacrement, Letter from Louise who is at S[illegible] and likes the place very well.

May 24

Queen’s Birthday – general holiday –weather showery – go to Dufferin Park


Sports in morning, evening turned out fine, finished up at Frys, meet DE Cuildcourt of Greet.

May 26

Fine weather vegetation advancing rapidly, $10 from RDR on 23rd leaving $40 due to this date.  Newspaper from my father yno from Joe Kiss, one from Miss S with one of my collars in it.

May 27

Go down to S Johns Cathedral in the evening to service

June 2

No letters or newspapers received this week – $50 due from RDR this day.  Braund starts on Monday the 4th on commission.


June 8th

Receive $30 afc this day from RDR leaving $35 due on the 9th

June 9th

Braund has not done anything worth speaking about at the commission business + begins to talk very glum as well he may

June 10th

Sunday church in morning after which it mivel + rained tremendously had to wear top boots overcoats to going down to supper received letter from Louise also from Lizzie, answered both.

June 12th

Two newspapers from Geo Smith, weather fine very growing.


June 15

Very heavy rains at night, fine hot sun during the day, long letter from Geo Smith.

June 16

Newspaper from JT Kiss, due from RDR 49.50

June 17

Church morning, evening weather showery, wrote to G Smith, sent “Puck” to kiss went up to RDRs to Ted

June 18

Trade is generally very depressed in Manitoba now and a number of people unable to obtain employment, money very scarce + things generally looking very like a financial crisis, failure in Chicago this day of McGeech for £500 000


June 20


June 21

Hot 90 to 95 in shade

June 23

Letter from Pollie B, newspaper from GS amount due this day from RDR 60, dull

June 24

Church parade of the militia at St T

Weather very threatening + cloudy write to my father although no letter received from home since May 11th

June 27

Very hot weather as high as 95 in the shade and very oppressive to work in.  letter from my father containing the good news that after having been out of work for weeks he has


Engaged with Glass Co of Bristol with an agreement

$10 from RDR

June 30

Letter from Joe Kiss $10 from RDR amount still remaining due $52.50 to this date.

July 1st

Weather not quite so hot cool breeze, wrote to my father + J Kiss

July 2nd

Dominion Day went down to Frys for tea

July 3rd

$10 from RDR still due $42.50.  Wrote to George in reply to his long + interesting letter

July 4

Letter from Herbert

July 6

CB comes home the worse for liquor to my great surprise and sorrow.


July 7

$20 from RDR leave due to this date $35. Owe CB 5.15 boarding at Mispellachrae’s now at 25c a meal

July 14

Due to this date 47.50.  Letter from Lizzie I answer to both Pollie and Lizzie.

Letter from George amusing + welcome

July 15

HTC morning + Ev Coles Circus comes into the city weather showery, just what the farmers wanted, prospects of the harvest as good as could be wished, write to my mother and George

July 17

Go to [illegible] this morning + have some rare sport


July 21 Due to this date from RDR $60

July 22nd

Send a newspaper each to Geo Smith FP + Walter Goodman = Nathan is back from Brandon on his way down to San Francisco

De Cimoncourt strikes nest again tomorrow

July 28th

Pay CB 5.00 leaving 50c balance, due this day from RDR $72 ½ letter from Louise newspaper from FP sen

July 29

Church in the evening at HTC

July 30

Wrote to Louise received letter from Revd Alt Horlock of Hale, BC answering my enquiries.


Had a severe cold + feverish symptoms, my landlady Mrs T prescribes acoute which does me a deal of good.

Aug 2

Letter from George $10 from RDR leaving 62 ½ balance

Aug 4

Paid by RDR this day $15 leaving $60 due still.

Aug 5

Bishop of Saskatchewan preaches in the morning at HTC exiting fire on Main St last night very pleasant day cool breeze bright sun. RDR returns from the East to night after a month of absence

Answer Georges letter

Aug 11

72 ½ due this day from RDR letter recd from my father + mother.


Aug 13th

Jno Blankern course is by the South train this evening bringing some clothes for B + I.  He left Liverpool on the 1st by the City of Rome to New York thence for rail thus doing the entire distance in 12 days.  A very quick time this.

Aug 15th

JB goes into Brandon this morning

Aug 16th

Letter from George Civic Holiday soaking + bathing on the river.  The Lacrosse club sports, weather delightful answer Georges letter.

Aug 17

$10 recd from RDR on Wednesday leaving $62 ½ due

Aug 18

Due this day $75 a very stormy night, vivid lightning heavy


Rain continuing all day

Aug 19

Sunday so that we remained prisoners indoors all day.

Aug 20

Received from RDR 10$ leaving 62 ½$ corrected as per their ledger to $75 letter from Blantern

Aug 25

Harvest commenced due this date $87 ½

Aug 26

Went to Knox Church with the Thomsons.  Nathan leaves in the evening by the south train for San Francisco.

Aug 28

Rec d from RDR $20

Sept 1st

Due this day $80

Sept 2nd

HJC in morning CC in the evening Hon Lord Anison of Woolwich preaches at the Cathedral


Sept 7

10 degrees last night I remonstrate with RDR upon the irregularity of payment in the evening get $20

Sept 8

Pay Mrs Thompson $55.00 being lodging breakfast washing to Sept 4 for Braund + myself his share being 27.50 balance due this day from RDR $72 ½ weather very cool prematurely so

No letter from home since the 16th of August something wrong again I fear.

Sept 9

Church twice

Sept 14

Letter from George also Louise glad to get them, go to see Rigoletto at the Opera House.  Braunn gets regular employment


Again at Alex Kennedys stationary store in the city.

Sept 15

Due from RDR $85.00

Sept 16

Long walk over the Assiniboine through the bus, in the evening go to Christ Church – wrote to Louise

Sept 19 Draw $15 from RDR, my birthday so spent a jovial evening concluding about 2 o’clock in the morning.

Sept 20

The front room lodger departs for Southern Manitoba

Sep 22

82 ½ due this day

A socialbel at Mip Macraes on the departure of Sutcliffe Dawson for Rat Portage.


Sep 23

Church twice

Sept 26

$10 from RDR

Sept 29

Letter from Cushing

Due from RDR $85.00

Sept 30

Walk over Louise Bridge through the scrub wrote to Cushing sent his papers, also to Ernest with respect to Xmas Cards

Oct 1

Went to Portage La Prairie to superintend RDRs stand at the Exhibition

Oct 2

Return to Winnipeg

Oct 6

Recd from RDR $10.00 due to this date still 87.50

Oct 7

Engaged myself to join the Christchurch choir, practice twice a week Wednesdays + Fridays in church in evening.


Oct 9

Sent a photograph of our store home. Braund and I had to remove our lodgings because our landlord was moving into another house, so we are now resided at Jack Frys 16 Higgin St + the weather is now quite mild again although a few days back it was frosty every night.  Jack Fry goes out to Shoal Lake to superintend building a house – I am left in charge.

Oct 13

Due to this date 100.00 recd from RDR 5.00 leavin 95.00

Oct 14

Recd letter from George on Friday answer it today, Sunday and have tea at Whiteheads



Oct 15

Square up at Thompsons

Oct 16

5.00 from RDR leaving 90.00

Oct 17

Yesterday + today raining on and off all the time streets in terrible state of mud more rain for this time of the year than has been known for some years

Oct 18

5.00 from RDR leaving 85.00

Oct 19

Sharp frost, Darling the Irishman of our Brooklyn messroom comes in from surveying

Oct 20

Practice at Christchurch am formally elected a member

Oct 21

Due from RDR 97

Newspapers from JF Kiss send one in return mail, Cushing his papers.


Oct 22

Church twice at CC take tea at Rec Pentreaths the vicar, a nice genial man, a hard worker for the good of his parish.

Oct 23

Weather milder again temperatures about 30 degrees, 4 mile to MAH

10$ from RDR leaving $87 ½. Trade still continues very dull in Winnipeg and likely to remain for the winter

Oct 25

$5 from RDR leaving $82 ½ due weather still mild and streets very muddy in fact a sea of mud.

Oct 27

Saturday due today $95 newspapers from Geo Smith, no letter from home since the 14th


Oct 28

Church twice a beautiful day – Darling Sutcliffe go out to work on the track with the understanding that they + I start from here for BC (DV) the beginning of next March.

Oct 31st

Busy getting out accts

Nov 1

Weather fine moderately cold, $10 + $5 from RDR leaving 80$

Nov 2

Letter from my father Louise, the latter sends her photo a very nice one.  I hear George has had the small pose and my father is running “the Gas Engineer” for Jno Wright & Co.  Jno Blastern is coming to stay in Winnipeg at Geo Fry’s for the winter

Choir practice for Sunday Thanksgiving date.



Nov 3

$5 from RDR leaving $84 ½ to date invest in a banjo cost with [illegible] to $10.25

Nov 4

Church in evening only write to my Father and Louise

Nov 6

$10 from RDR leaving 77 ½ due (Nov 8th Thanksgiving day)

Nov 10

Due this day $90

Nov 11

Sunday slight blizzard below zero all day went to Church in evening only

Nov 12

$10 from RDR

Nov 15

Purchased pair Acme skates straps for $3 went skating at night on Red River

Nov 16th

$10 from RDR

Skated with Mrs F on the Red River



Nov 17 –

$7 from RDR leaving due this day $77 ½ weather moderate an very agreeable.

Nov 18

26 Sunday after Trinity 4 inches of snow but only a trifle below freezing wrote to ma mere

Nov 19

Fine meteor seen this afternoon

Nov 24

Jack Blanterie comes in from Brandon and stays at George Frys

Nov 25

JB goes to church in the evening with me 30 degrees below zero letter from George.  Lizzie B during the week both of which I answer today

Dec 1

Wrote home sending $10 towards the Xmas dinner and Xmas greeting

Dec 2

Advent Sunday  Tea at Frys 2 sample Xmas cards arrived from Ernest


With note from FP

Business is a little better in Winnipeg now in consequence of Xmas approaching but promises to be very dull in the spring, so much so that Jack Blanterie and I (as at present determined) intend to start for British Columbia the first week in January hoping therefore to better ourselves as the agricultural prospects of the North West for the next few years are not promising principally owing to the difficulty in finding a market for the grains and a


Large proportion of the crop having been frost bitten

Dec 9

Sunday  – the past week has been extremely mild, the glass rising above freezing everyday this I believe to be exceptional at this time of the year in Manitoba – the glass at the present moment 2.15 pm stands at 45 above zero – received a letter from George Smith during the week I write to George, have arranged to start for BC Jany 8th

Decem 16

Church at night very 20 below zero, wrote to George Smith


Dec 19

Letter from Louise + George + Emilice Burden.  Louise going to Henley to keep house for Grandpa, Grandma having had an attack of apoplexy and become helpless

Dec 21st

Very cold, 30 below zero, practice at the school

Dec 25

Church in the morning at Christchurch – dinner at Jack Frys Tea at Georges wrote to good man

New Years Day – fine but very cold

Jany 5 leave Richardsons

Jany 7 Start with Jack Blantern + Chars Brand to



British Columbia (Victoria)

Jany 8

Reach Glyndon on the northern Pacific and travel along it reaching Bizmarck capital of Dakota in the evening – slept (myself) very well considering the circumstances

Jany 9

Reached Glendive in Montana at 8:30 am – this place is great on cattle farming – the country of a mountainous [illegible] description, gradually


Tending to country of a still more rocky nature passed over one range this morning and had lovemain in Helena (the headquarters of the gold mining district of Montana)


Until eleven at night when we again started crossing + tunneling under the main range the time running up + down in land amongst very fine scenery, with a brilliant clear moon lending to luster circumstance the beauty of the scene

Jany 11

Still passing through the lumbering districts of the upper regions.

Jany 12

Reached Rashdrum still amid the pine forests nothing of note except two sharp collisions in the night which smashed two or three buffers and shook the passengers pwerhat – I omitted


To mention the passage over too very loft trestle bridges yesterday – the Marent Trestle is 226 feet high – the train broke away from our coach thrice today on the second occasion leaving soul on the prairie for 2 hours, it was a very clear moonlight night and as we were left on an incline we started the cars and ran them own to where the remainder of the train was waiting – passed over

Jan 13

The Snake River at 3 o’clock this morning and after skirting the Columbia River for about 200 miles thoroughly appreciating its


Magnificent scenery we reached Portland at 4 pm.

Stayed over night left Jan 14 at 6 o’clock the next morning by steamer “RR Thompson” for Kalowna on the Columbia River reach there at 10 am and take train for New Tacoma arrived there at 3 in the afternoon left again at 9 pm on the “North Pacific” paddleboat and passing through

Jan 15

The Puget Sound reached Victoria at 1 pm

Jan 17

Called on the Lord Bishop of Columbia – wrote to my father

Jan 20

Sang in the Cathedral choir neither of us have succeeded in getting work up to the present time – wrote to my aunt


Jany 25

Wrote to ma mere received a letter from George in which nothing is said of the $10 I forwarded hom on Dec 1st

Jany 26

Hanlan + Lee reached here by the steamer Mexico this morning from San Francisco Lee is to row against Cotsford here on the 7th Feby

Jany 27

Sunday Rainy to fine Service twice in the Cathedral neither of us have got any work things begin to look very serious at the present time a great number of men here doing nothing willing to work for their food

The Chinese having a festival today it being their new years day.



Far Far towards the setting sun their weary tray [illegible] hutch at length on a far off shore their tired limbs they

Jany 28

Engaged to assist the Senior Report at the Colonist office, he being unwell I take his night work going on duty at 6 pm leaving at 1 or 2 am for the handsome remuneration of $7 per week.

Feby 3

Church in the evening at Cathedral, a very cold West wind

Feb 14

Receive letter from my mother – skating on Swan Lake

Feby 17

Sunday write to RDR + Fry and my mother

Cathedral in the evening

Snow and high wind



Feby 18

Snow continues reaching depth of 16 inches

Feby 20

Thaw commences

FEby 24

Sunday snow all gone block on NPR Railroad through snow

March 1

First through mail for a week past arrive today.  Weather yesterday and to day beautiful send Colonist to MA Brand

March 4

Recd letter from George and Ernest containing favorable report of home

Marc 6

Wrote to George + Ernest

Marc 10

Wrote to Polly Lizzie Brand in answer to their letters received just after Xmas.


Marc 11

Letter from RD Richards in answer to mine offering to take me back and asking me to telegram if I think of doing so,  I cable back that I am grategul for offer but cannot return.

March 12

Still at the same place, Charlie has been working for the past fortnight at Hawkins Store in Vica and the prospects are very good there for him if he will only keep steady and take advantage of them

Write to MH Jones of Wpeg as promised, sent weekly to Goodman.

Mch 25

Letters from my father, Herbert and Goodman.  A year today since we left Liverpool.


First letters from home since my arrival in Victoria

Weather fine.

March 16

Write to my father and Herbert

March 17

Hear of a job up on the Skeena River at Dempsters Cannery as clerk and storekeeper.

March 18

Agree to take it at $60 per month and found go up on Tuesday next

March 22

Terminate my engagement at the “colonist” office

March 24

Offer of a position from Munroe Miller to edit the “Resources” @ $60 per mo and keep books too late however as I have promised to go north.



Charlie will probably live with Hawkins altogether, until I return in the fall, that is if I do return.

March 25

Weather fine leave on board Barbara Boscome at 10 o’clock Pm for Skeena River.  The vessel deck covered with lumber and a heavy load beneath; consisting of boilers, iron work, oil, rum and various stores.  The passengers a very motley lot with a herd of Chinamen in steerage. Only 11 cabin berths and 35 saloon passengers, so the saloon table has to make me a bed with my bag for a pillow.


While the remaining 23 settle down into odd corners under the table an amongst the baggage.

March 26

Slowly steaming north.  She is a wretched old tub, makes but 6 knots an hour.  A very fine day, pass Nanaimo at 10 o’clock am.  Anchored outside Seymour Narrows at 8 o’clock pm

March 27

Reached Alert Bay at 6 pm natives in strong force, dressed in blankets of all colours.  Witnessed a native reception and great palaver.  Indian graveyard with ornamentation.  Went over


The Alert Bay Canning Co Cannery. Reached Nawittie at 11 pm crowd of Indians come around in canoes.

March 28

Crossed Queen Charlotte Sound this morning steamer rolled very much in consequence of deck freight, more especially too heavy boilers one lashed each side of amid ship.  Entered Rivers Inlet at 1 pm and passed the St Otter going down, reached McDorrell and McNeill’s cannery and dumped the two boilers overboard, and the Indians then towed them to the cannery, still further up


Inlet to the Rivers Inlet Co which is situated at the head of the Inlet around it on 3 sides are lofty and precipitous mountains rising sheer from the waters edge, and clothed from base to summit with almost impenetrable fir trees.

March 29

Saturday left the Inlet at 7 am

March 30

Sunday arrived at Aberdeen 7 pm this evening in time for supper.  The Cannery is the topmost one on the Skeena River which is bound on both sides by precipitous cliffs clothed with firs with snow clad summits.  Almost directly across the river


Is a hot sulphur spring.  Exceedingly pleasant to bath in, and very efficacious in cases of rheumatism +c.

April 6

One week of the new life gone. Now church x  fine day, climbed up mountain in the afternoon.

Apl 9

Service in the evening in the office, for the white men attached to the cannery

Apl 11

No steamboat yet to hand

Here stranger ye may rest in peace and quiet

Although the rest of the know world run wth

Fine weather the canoes begin to descend the river from consequent upon the breaking up of the ice.


April 12

If gaiety and bustle meet thy news

Pass on!

If envy hatred malice thee wouldst choose


If they hear pain thee at some bitter strife

And pain?

Would had a better and calmer life


April 13

Easter Sunday.  Went over to Port Essington to fetch the mail, but found the steamer had gone up to the Naas River with it on board. Stayed to the C of E Service which Mr Sheldon conducted, and had dinner at the BA Canning Co.  Pulled back with tide and wind against us very hard work


Apl 16

Otter arrived letter from George forwarded by CB from Victoria,  In it I learn of the death of William Paulin of [illegible]

April 20

Sunday.  Go over to the hot springs in the morning and inspect ravine in afternoon

April 23 Steamer Boscomb arrived, was considerably disappointed at receiving no letters having expected a big packet. Learn that two Chinamen and a Swedish were drowned whilst attempting to cross from Port Essington to Aberdeen on Sunday

Apl 27

Sunday, church in the Hotel Mr Sheldon clergy all the white men present


Apl 28

Write to Braund

Apl 29

Complete first month at the cannery

Apl 30

Expecting “Princess Louise”to be put on this route

May 1

Weather, showery, garlands absent, and the only flowers to be found are a few scattered blossoms of the salmon berry, the buses of which are similar to the English raspberry, but it bears a large pink blossom and a fruit like a raspberry but larger and coarser.

May 2

Letters from home will be welcome, no letter from Braund yet since leaving Victoria.

May 5

“Otter” arrived yesterday Sunday letters from CB WH Jones + L Gibbons.  Wrote to my


Father and CB. Salmon fishing for canning commence tomorrow.

May 11

Sunday, no church

May 12

Wrote to WH Jones and Lester Gibbons expecting Boscovitz every day now

May 15

Boscovitz arrived, letters from Braund and ma mere

May 17

Shipped salmon on Boscovitz 234 cases, salmon running very slowly.

May 18

Church in morning at Aberdeen and then went over with the minister to Port Essington, returned later. Fine weather.


May 21

Wet weather once more. The salmon running very slowly.  Wrote George Smith

May 22

Wrote to my mother

May 25

Wet still continues, letter George, wrote him

Sunday, no church, hot springs

May 29

Sent papers to FP

June 1st

First fine day for a fortnight, usual bath.  Arrival of Duncan Steamer with church party.

June 3

Wrote to Braund, salmon a little more numerous

June 7

Letters arrived form {illegible] steamer having gone up to Maas River first, one from Blanktern one from Lister Gibbons and bundle papers from Braund.


June 8

Sunday wet Mr Jennings across from Essington in the afternoon, wrote to Lister Gibbons

June 11

A canoe arrived from the [illegible] containing Mr Goumanes + children, and bringing round of the massacre of Mr Youman whilst standing in his shop by an Indian whose son had been drowned whilst in the deceased’s employ.  The Indian had demanded $500 for his sons death, as is common among Indians, and Youmans refused to pay hence the murder

June 15

Another wet Sunday.  Mr Sheldon sent a bundle of papers across.  Mail arrive

June 19

Write to my father replying to one received yesterday, containing cheering news.


June 22

Sunday.  Fine day – went to springs no church

June 25

Wet, salmon moving well now canning 400 + 500 cases a day

June 29

Sunday dull day but no rain no church

Existence only

June 30

Fine day Boscovitz arrives.  Letters from Braund, George +c.  write to Dr Swinburne

July 3

Fine glorious weather, the salmon now running in great quantities was much as we are scarcely able to can them all + party starts up the Mado River to attempt the capture of the murderer of AC Youmans at the Forks of the Skeena


July 6

Sunday – fine day Mr Jennings comes across and preaches

July 7

Wrote to Braund expect to finish canning in a fortnight

July 11

Considerable excitement with regard to Lornes Creek gold mines consequent upon recent discoveries.  George in his letter says he means to come out here next spring. I hardly know what to advise him

July 18

Am disturbed by hearing from Gibbons that Braund has left Hawkins.



July 20

A long and very satisfactory letter from my father

July 24

Nearly all the while men go down to Victoria. Write to George

July 31

Finish canning pay off all fishermen

Aug 4

Go haymaking on the Oxstall River, very hot day

Aug 5

Go to carry the grass we cut yesterday

Aug 10

Row over to Essington to day, Sunday. Go to morning service.  Stay dinner with Rev Mr Sheldon and now home – very wet.


Aug 11

Anxiously awaiting steamer Princess Louise which was to have left Victoria on Aug 1 not hand yet

Aug 22

Princess Louise arrived announcing her arrival by trying to bust the wharf.  Letters from my father,

Nice weather

Aug 15

Mail arrives from Boscovitz which has gone north.  Letters from Braund, Hawkins, Saunders, my mother, and George.  I learn that Braund has left Hawkins to go to Morlow Station at $75 per month which promises to be a good situation.  The gold excitement


Increase several parties have gone up the river, although I don’t think there is anything to warrant the rush.

Aug 16

Boscovitz arrived to day. Wrote to Hawkins Braund Higgins and my mother.

Aug 18

Mr Dempster ges on a prospecting expedition to mouth of Skeen aRiver, only 3 white men on the Ranch here and very few natives.

Aug 24

Expedition retd Reoult only saw very little grazing land but saw an immense whale which was evidently landlocked in the shallow water

Aug 20

Princess Louise arrived

Truth and the BDP and no from FP Sen


No letters

Aug 28

Princess Louise calls on her way down.  A little boy whilst watching a canoe going up river fell over the wharf and was drowned.

Aug 31

Sunday – Invitation from Mr Sheldon very wet could not go

Sept 7

Sunday – fine day – hot springs

Sep 9

P Louise at Essington did not come up to Aberdeen.  Letter from George. Wrote to him.  Take the mail over at night.  Fine moonlight might reach home land

Sept 10

This morning



Sept 14

Go across to E with Malcolm Morrison, attend service with communion, sail both ways

Sept 16

Mr Dempster with Mr Holmes of the B and Pg C leave for the mine this morning. Wrote to Braund

Sept 17

Boscovitz arrives at E mail comes over.  Letters from my father, Mother, Hicks and Braund. Sent Colonist to FP Sen

Oct 3

Expecting Otter Boscovitz every day, snow gradually descending on the mountains


Days becoming chilly.  The Indians departing finally for the interior, the ranch becoming deserted.

Mr Dempster goes down to V’a on this boat, on his return I terminate my engagement here.

Oct 5

The Boscovitz arrives I get a kindly letter from Dr Sc.  Weather wet wet wet

Oct 12

Do do do and nothing else

Oct 20

Several parties of miners have come down, some gone on to Essington, others staying here.  All waiting for the boat to go down.  She is expected on the 24th.


Oct 30

Boscovitz arrived in River left on her for V

Nov 8

Arrived at V took a room at Mrs Fields.  Letters from George

Nov 9

Harvest Festival at the Cathedral went twice sang in the choir

Nov 12

Wrote to George

Nov 13

Began work for Munro Miller, editing “Resources of British Columbia” $50 per mo

Nov 24

Sent Xmas greetings to Henley Lodge, Derby, Henley, B St + ESI Birmingham

Dec 15

Letter from Louise with greeting



Jany 1st

Xmas has come gone and another year has commenced its course – May it be freighted with health and happiness for those that I love, aye for the whole world. I am still with Miller.  The past 3 weeks have been very cold.  Snow blocks on the NORR and no through rails during that time.

Jany 12

Letters + cards from FP Sen, Ma Mere, Ernest, George and paper from Geo Smith.  Weather milder.  Went to Saanich on Resources business.  Wrote to Louise.

February 24

The diary does not get much attention now.


Why is this thus?  Since last entry have had cheering letters from home.  Have written to my father, mother, Ernest.  Letter from MAB answer to B+L.  Have left Millers work got so quiet he could not afford to employ me.  Now working at American Consulate at same amek $50 per month.  Spring is early, spring flowers are in full bloom.  Taluron market so depressed that many canneries will not run.  Small prospect of my going up north this season. Furs just dropped 30% so the only expectances the province has this summer are from the two railways and drydock now in course of



Mar 5

Working full time at Am Consulate.  Letter from George

March 13

$59.pp from RJS

Mar 27

No letters from home.  Not feeling well call out Dr Raeger, he sounds me, lungs alright.  Tonic draft presc 41049 powders Pres 41080 from D E Campbell Dry+

March 31

Sick in bed

Apl 4

St Joseph’s Hospital, typhoid fever.

June 9

Saanich convalescent

July 1

Picnic South Saanich.  My position in the Am Cons filled. I’ve got no work to do – o- o so prolong my stay in the country.


July 17

Start at B Leiser’s Wholesale Prog House.  All on excepting left side which is still weak.

Aug 23

I and J Hawkins drive out to Saanich to Turgooses on Sunday

Sept 6

I receive a letter from my mother in which she informs me of a severe illness my father has but that she hopes will soon be well.

Sep 7

The first rain falls since the middle of last March, it having been a very dry summer.  The corner left hand side of bowels still weak, although no worse considerably depresses my spirits occasionally.



Oct 22

The year hastening to its close. Since last entry have heard of my fathers severe illness and recovery.  Since been [illegible]  getting $75 per month from S Leiser now. Geo writes he wants to come out here.  Left side of bowel still weak.  I half dread something must be forming here, otherwise fairly well.

Novemr 1st

Harvest Festival, funeral of John Hicks one of our crowd, who is supposed to have been robbed and murdered at 11 o’clock one might whilst on his way home close to his house.

Novemr 4

Festival of combined choirs at the cathedral a great success, the choir on the 1st inst wore surplices an innovation generally approved of by the congregation.


Novem 8

Sunday, showery but mild.  My side still queer, but no worse and I think no beter.  I wrote to my father telling him I thought it would be better if George came out at all for him to come say February instead of April.

Dempster came down from the cannery a week ago, was pleased to see me, gave me a nice nugget to make a pin with,  said he thought the cannery would run in 1886.

Mar 14, 1886

My diary seems to get little attention. Perhaps for the fact that theres nothing to mention.  Christmas 1885-6 has departed and we are nearly arrived at spring time.  George that he will soon come to BC so I have made arrangements by moving it to Mrs Kurmogh’s two front rooms March 13th.  It is apparently for the best that he should come out trade being so depressed in England.  My father much better [illegible] and working very hard to make the ends meet.

Apl 2

George arrives from England at last when I had almost – [illegible]

Apl 5

He starts work in a station store at $45 per mo, anything to obtain a footing.  My health is decidedly better but still not what it might be – for all things I must be careful.  It might be much worse.


George tells me that Ernest is married and that he and his wife and her sister are coming to BC also that Herbert will accompany thme.  This requires some thinking about.

Apl 25

Easter Sunday.  Fine weather. Grand services at the Cathedral.  Health much better. I don’t forget that my previous Easter saw me seriously sick with fever.

Apl 26

Choir picnic, great time

Apl 27

The quartette arrive, the ladies quite ill with the trip up from San Francisco, but soon recover after resting awhile. Now to find the boys employment – ah!  There’s the rub.


August 28

Since my last entry many things have happened.  The summer has come and gone and beautiful weather it has been.  Ernest George + Herbert and myself have been steadily employed and have enjoyed reasonable good health with the exception that George has had a slight quincy in his throat and for myself my side still stubbornly refuses to become strong.

Emmie and Amy Jennings are and have been well, the former has become very stout an event not entirely unexpected.  Letters from home detailed the illness of


Both Mother and Louise and the rather feeble health of my Father all of whom Providence has now given better health. On June 14th the new city of Vancouver was burnt to ashes.  On July 11th Can Pacific Ry was completed and trains from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans on one continuous line of rail.  The salmon catch of this coast has not been good and the price of canned salmon raised considerably thereby.  On Aug 20th three Victorian sealing schooners were seized by the American gov’t


Charged with sealing in American waters.

Herbert is doing tolerably well although he might be steadier and take greater care of himself.  He may yet develop into a credit to the family.

Ernest makes a far better man than he did a boy and betrays inherent good qualities hitherto entirely unsuspected by me.

George has talent and perserverance of a high order not yet concentrated, but capable of great things of properly utilized and employed in an honourable and legitimate way.


Oct 22 86

Ernest’s wife presents him with a daughter at 5 pm to day.

Nov 8

News from AG the finances at home are in a very deplorable condition.  This, always a shaky point with our family does not fail to trouble us at intervals but by the aid of Providence and our own exertions we sooner or later weather these monetary storms.

I have recently embarked in the poultry raising business with Leonard Phillips as partner putting George on the ranch to represent my half share.  Whether we


Will have to keep the ranch or the ranch keep us we have yet to see.

Ernest has started in the produce and feed line and is working very hard I hope he may make it stick

Nov 18

Today is thanksgiving day we are going out to the ranch this afternoon.  Services in the cathedral in the morning.

Nov 25

George and I see WH Dempster who returns north to the cannery to day he promises [illegible] the same berth will be spring that I held two years ago.  G to go up in March next.


Feby 20 1887

I am afraind my diary has been much neglected of late.  Xmas 1886 has gone, and we are now well in to 1887.  Many events have occurred since my last entry to ruffle the usually tolerably serene current of our lives. As to the ranch, so far it has been nothing but an incumbrance to me and the outlook is that it will continue to be so.  In addition it became the means of dragging me into litigation over a horse and cart which I brought with the property, and which was claimed by another man under a mortgage.  I however came off victorious and retained the


Said chattels.  Ernest first plunche into business on his own account ended disastrously, and after being idle some six weeks, he has been temporarily employed in the Govt Office.  George has been making believe to north on the ranch since the beginning of [illegible] he will go north to his post on the Skeena in about 3 weeks.  Herbert has been perhaps the most fortunate of the trio inasmuch that he has [illegible] at work all the time, with the exception of a weeks severe weather [illegible] the factory was shut down. And here I might mention that the past month has been severe winter, the


Coldest and stormiest season known in British Columbia for twenty years.  Now a word as regards myself.  My occupation is yet the same my health no worse but not perceptibly better although it is nearly two years since I had typhoid fever.  The trouble is still in the left side of the back just above the hip, and is apparently dyspepsia acting upon the left kidney, but of course I cannot be sure. I am convinced however that one thing is desirable that is a change from the sedative occupation to an outdoor and energetic one.  This might effect a cure. How can I compass it? Ah! How?


March 15th/87

The weather much warmer but still very wet we cannot be said to have had any fine weather as yet.  My health remains about the same am trying hard to dispose of the chicken ranch.  George leaves for the Skeena this week.

It is four years to day since I and Charley Braund left England to better our fortunes, and in looking back over that time I am almost inclined to be doubtful whether we have done so or not.  This little book which has


Served me during that time as a diary cannot I think be more fitly closed than at the end of the fourth year of my pilgrimage abroad.
