
Gilliandr's Blog

Random Historical, Social and Cultural Moments


ugly blanket

This Year’s Ugly Blanket Raffle, 2012

The Ugly Blanket, 2012
The Ugly Blanket, 2012


Last year I successfully raffled an ugly blanket for UNICEF.  I was able to raise $200 for famine relief in Africa.  This year I have decided to raffle off an ugly blanket for a cause closer to home.

Cancer killed both my parents (colon cancer and liver cancer) and three of my four grandparents.  It is a real and horrible disease, and I want to take the money for the blanket raffle and donate it to the Canadian Cancer Society.

The tickets are $5 each donated to the Canadian Cancer Society.  I don’t need to see the money itself, just the donation receipt.  Please donate here:  and then contact me at .

I was strongly tempted to have the draw on the 16th of December because that would have been mom’s 80th birthday had cancer not taken her from us, but I understand the lead up to Christmas might make this a bit too soon.  So instead I will make the draw on the 16th of January, 2013.  Please donate!

Many thanks to my friend Jomac, who gave me her spare wool which makes the bulk of this blanket.  Her pink breast cancer balls of w0ol were part of the inspiration for the choice of the Canadian Cancer Society.

UNICEF Ugly Blanket draw today

Congrats to Campbell Oliver who won the UNICEF Ugly blanket. Thanks to all who bought tickets and helped raise $200 for UNICEF’s famine relief efforts in the Horn of Africa!

Unicef ugly blanket update

Another $20 raised today, although I await the arrival of the cheque… so that makes $150 raised in cash, and $50 upcoming…

Ugly Blanket for UNICEF

Total now $150 raised for UNICEF for ugly blanket raffle, draw on the 31st- buy your tickets soon!

UNICEF Ugly Blanket update, Oct 14, 2011








As of today, the 14th of Oct $115 has been made from raffle ticket sales.  There is another $40 which has been promised.  A quite lovely total, but I think that more should come…  The cause is important- UNICEF’s efforts for famine relief in the Horn of Africa.


$5 a ticket, please contact me through email or mail, and I will put your name with all the others in the lovely pumpkin pictured on top of the blanket here.  The raffle is on the 31st.

UNICEF Ugly Blanket update, Oct 11, 2011

Ugly Blanket for UNICEF
Doesn’t this blanket look warm and lovely (in an ugly way)? Raffle tickets are only $5 a pop.  They can be had by seeing me, mailing me, or visiting the website, donating, and then contacting me with donation details( 
So far I have sold $50 worth of tickets, and $60 has been promised.  Folks this is not enough, the famine in the horn of Africa continues.  Their needs are great. Please donate, and have the opportunity of winning a great blanket.

Ugly blanket for famine relief raffle now on!!!! Oct 3, 2011

So here the blanket is, lying on a queen size bed.  It is almost done, I have three balls left and there is a ball of black and white already in progress.  So I have decided to start selling off the raffle tickets for the blanket.  I will be selling them from today, the 3rd of October to the 21st of October, and then there will be a week fo the mail to catch up, and the draw will be made the 31st of October.

Tickets are $5 each.  You can send me a cheque, payable to UNICEF for your raffle ticket to 23 Blvd Mont-Bleu, Apt 1, Gatineau, QC J8Z 1H9, or if you are in Ottawa email me and we can meet.  Also you can go to the website and make a donation through their standard form, and email me proof of the donation at .  Please provide your email address as that will be how I will contact the winner.  I will continue to update the progress of the blanket here,  on my twitter account @gilliandoctor and on facebook.  I will also update the progress of raising money- I really hope that we can together raise a lot of money for the famine sufferers in the horn of Africa!!!

balls waiting to join the ugly blanket!

Ugly blanket for famine relief, progress Sept 24th!

Godson adoring his ugly blanket!

Here is a shot of my amazing godson enjoying the ugly blanket I made for his parents.  He seriously loves the blanket, and loves to snuggle into it, and play with it…  all sorts of fun. 

Unicef ugly blanket Sept 24th

And here it is, the ugly blanket that I will be raffling off for UNICEF next month.  I am currently knitting with a multi coloured orange-ish yarn, and will follow with a purple-ish yarn.  I want to thank JM for her kind donation of an amazing pink-ish orange yarn, which will follow the purple-ish stuff on the blanket.  It is not amazing?  Are you not tempted by its comfort and colours?  Save your pennies, I will be selling raffle tickets in about a week or so….   The comfort then can be shared with the less fortunate, suffering because of the famine in the Horn of Africa….


Ugly blanket for Famine relief, progress Sept 20, 2011

Ugly blanket for UNICEF Sept 20, 2011

So here it is, so far- the Ugly blanket in process.  While knitting it yesterday my friend’s daughter, S, said that it was very soft, warm and pretty, and proceeded to snuggle into the bits that were furthest from my knitting needles.  I call that a ringing endorsement on the comfort and style of the blanket….. 

Today a lovely ball of purple wool arrived in the mail from my friend SB.  It will be the next colour on the blanket once I finish the blue I started this morning.  Many thanks for her contribution to the cause!!!!!

Are you not tempted?  Save your pennies!!!  Tickets will go on sale in a couple of weeks.

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